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Police Patch

Our Mission

This program went from an idea years ago, to a concept months ago and now it's finally here.  We created this program for one reason- to give thanks to those who serve day in and day out, selflessly. They teach our children, protect us from enemies foreign and domestic, nurse us back to health, rehabilitate us after a surgery, save us from burning buildings... Anything that we run away from, they run toward it without thinking twice.

How Frontline First started...

On 9/11 I saw heroism unlike I have ever seen in my lifetime- I'll never forget that. Our soldiers going to the Middle East to defend the meaning of freedom and to rid the world of terrorism - isn't that the definition of heroism? During the Covid-19 outbreak, and still today, we have fearless people on the frontlines right in our own communities! Our Teachers are still in our classrooms putting themselves in harms way; our law enforcement still throw on their vests every day to protect our communities, regardless of being under appreciated; Firefighters still suit up every day to protect our communities even after people WILLINGLY tried to burn it down; our Hospital workers, from Janitors to Doctors, all look danger right in the eye and STILL walk through the front door day after day- sounds pretty darn heroic to me. 


The unity, patriotism and gratitude that we felt as a nation during times of trouble should not be convenient, they should be constant. Somehow there are a lot of people who only remember these things in times of trouble, such as the examples above. Why? I just don't understand it. THAT is why I want to create this program, to put those on the Frontline FIRST and let them know how much we appreciate them. Not only when it's convenient- Every. Single. Day.



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